So, let me get this straight... I am busy at work, you are blowing up my phone with a bunch of nonsense. I tell you I am busy, you complain that I don't want to hang out with you. I am trying to drive home and you again, are blowing up my phone asking what I am doing this weekend. When I get home, I remind you that I have an important job, and I have been extremely busy today. I also apologize to you for not getting back to you sooner and you tell me I am insulting your intelligence. Ok, now for a little back story. I met this dude ONCE at a bar. He seemed nice, but, wasn't really what I was looking for. However, I kept in touch. Well, one night I am home alone having dinner, watching movies and relaxing. This guy randomly texts me asking for a picture of my boobs! I tell him no, that I don't know him that well, and that's not something that I do. He flips out and starts calling me names, telling me that I am not serious about getting to know him. All because I wouldn't send him a picture of my boobs.
I thought I was quite clear when I told him I didn't want to see him again, weeks prior to this little incident. Well, the dude is like that annoying cat that came back the very next day. He just won't go away. Well, he tried a few more times to get me to go out a few weeks ago. Which I respectfully turned down. Then one night, I get this text. Telling me, that I am ugly, fat, gross, etc. I respond back with a brand new picture of my in my favorite little black dress, saying.. This is what I look like now. After all he hasn't seen me in I don't know seven months? The next day, he sends me a text telling me just how sorry he is, that he didn't mean what he said. That he was drunk, and upset. Well, asshole, you can go play in traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike during holiday travel!
Now, again, he's back! Back to suck the life out of me. Dude, I don't want to go out with you. It takes you longer to get ready than it takes me. You have so much grease in your hair, it's hazardous if it rains. Also, don't even get me started on your shitty tattoos. Seriously, if you are going to have full sleeves, invest in a GOOD tattoo artist. He also wears really expensive jeans, with suspenders that he doesn't even use. They just hang down. Who even does that? Now, he's all butt hurt because I don't want to see him. He thinks my valid excuses are bull shit, but I really do wash my hair for four straight hours every day! A girl has to deep condition! But really, he's a lose cannon and I don't want to be there when the fuse is lit. Oh what's even better, he claims to have social anxiety, yet, still wants us to go to the bar together and is also a psychology major at the local university. He doesn't have a job and drives a beat up old truck. He told me he got into some trouble and had to move to South Carolina with his sister. He also, will not tell me what kind of trouble he got into. So ladies, if you meet a guy who fits that description.. RUN. By the way this is the picture I sent when he called me fat and ugly. 😘