Thursday, July 9, 2015

I know you fool around all day No it doesn't hurt me anyway, I am alright

After a year of being single, (it was a horrible break up) I finally put myself out there to start dating again. I actually met a guy, a nice, sweet and tall guy. He seemed great from the moment we started texting. Our first date was almost to perfect. He picked me up even opened doors. He took me to the aquarium, we bought water guns and balloons. He took me to the park for a picnic, before we ate we actually broke out in a water gun and balloon fight. After eating, we took a walk around the parks lake to dry off. He then took me to get milkshakes, which isn't something I care for, however it seemed to excite him.
When we arrived at my apartment complex he we talked for a bit, then he got out to hug me. He tried to kiss me and backed off. I smiled and said "then don't kiss me" which he then followed by a kiss. We continued to talk after that and saw each other two more times.
I actually liked this guy and felt I could trust him. I was excited to hear from him, I had butterflies each time I thought of him. Yet, I knew (knowing my track record) that it wasn't going to be all I had hoped. Then again, he proved himself to not be Mr. Right immediately. However, I guess with each conquest, you learn more about yourself, who you want to be and what you want. I have had so much going on in my life these past few weeks. Three good friends passed away, an aunt and uncle involved in a horrible car accident. I guess my way of coping with all of the stress was falling for someone wayyyy too quickly. It did make me realize, I am ready for a relationship, I am ready to actually fall in love. I am more than ready to be happy again and to make someone else happy!


  1. Hey, The layout/font color of your page is extremely diffucult to read. I'd check it out because I enjoy reading rants and raves but this makes my head hurt. Cheers

    1. Hey! Thank you. I just deleted all of the notifications. Give it a go now. It should be easier
